Tom Alkire

Tom Alkire was a founding member of the Native Fish Society and has been involved in it in a variety of ways. Before he retired, Tom was a staff correspondent with Bloomberg/BNA, a national publisher that focused on regulatory and legal issues from environment to taxes and labor. In addition, his fly-fishing writing has been published  widely in many magazines, as well as in his three books, the most recently titled: “Western Waters:  Memories and Lessons from Twelve Rivers,” published by Stackpole Books. 


Currently, Tom is on the Board of Directors of the Oregon Hatchery Research Center as one of the two wild fish advocates on the board. He also is a member of the Crystal Springs Partnership. He grew up in eastern Washington, graduated from the University of Washington, and has fished from Alaska to California. He has lived near Reed College in southeast Portland for more than 30 years, and his family includes two adult children and four grandchildren. 

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