Guided by the best available science, Native Fish Society advocates for the protection and recovery of wild, native fish and the stewardship of the habitats that sustain us all.

  • Abundant, diverse, and resilient wild, native fish in every watershed in the Pacific Northwest.

  • River Stewards in every watershed who understand and champion the needs of wild, native fish in their homewaters.


Positive change for wild, native fish occurs when local communities champion environmental policies that are based on the best available science and guide the conservation and recovery of wild, native fish.


Positive change for wild, native fish occurs

  • When communities support science-based policies and act strategically by focusing their support toward key decision makers.

  • Communities support good policies and act strategically when local advocates (River Stewards) work in their communities as effective champions for wild, native fish by educating and activating their local communities.

  • River Stewards are effective champions for wild, native fish in their communities when they are empowered and inspired with the best-available scientific information, communications tools and expertise, grassroots organizing training, policy information, strategic planning resources and the support and experience of the River Steward community to identify and address challenges facing wild, native fish.

  • Native Fish Society creates positive change for wild, native fish when we empower, inspire and grow our network of grassroots River Stewards by providing them with the information, tools, training and community resources they need to be effective local advocates.


  • HARVEST REFORM (Primary)

  • Habitat protection (secondary)

  • Hydropower reform (secondary)

  • Focus staff and River Stewards on hatchery and harvest reform initiatives, while being flexible and opportunistic to take on issues that affect wild, native fish including habitat protection and hydropower reform.

  • Hatchery and harvest issues are the primary focus, while following and assisting with habitat protection and hydropower reform. In watersheds where hatchery and harvest needs have been addressed, elevate the focus of habitat protection and hydropower reform opportunities.


Top Down, Bottom Up, & Middle Out

Bottom Up: River Stewards ask for help from fellow River Stewards, District Coordinators, and program staff.

Middle Out: Staff and River Stewards engage like-minded partners to grow an informed and active constituency for wild, native fish.

Top Down: Staff identify regional /statewide opportunities and leverage local advocates and networks.

Bottom Up:

Place based River Stewards identify challenges and opportunities in their watershed and then solicit the support necessary (from River Stewards, District Coordinators, staff and networked experts to successfully lead recovery for wild, native fish at the watershed level. Stewards prioritize projects that:

  • Improve the health of wild, native fish in their watershed.

  • Features an issue the River Steward is passionate about within the context of management / habitat / hatchery reform prioritized over habitat protection and hydropower reform.

  • Has a SMART goal.

  • One that builds broader support for the work of Native Fish Society.

Middle Out:

Staff and River Stewards identify and engage like-minded groups to broaden the impact of our top down and bottom up based initiatives. Prioritize partnerships that:

  • Expand the demographic reach of our initiatives.

  • Leverage complimentary competencies, i.e. to our grassroots expertise, a partner could lend their specific scientific, legal, policy, lobbying expertise (especially when working at the federal level).

Top Down:

Staff integrate the best available science and policy information to guide a region wide strategic approach to our work, which prioritizes initiatives that:

  • Creates the broadest positive impact for wild, native fish; innovates and advances the conservation and recovery of wild, native fish.

  • Provides a specific benefit to the likely success of the campaign or initiative through our participation.

  • Allows us to be nimble enough to play both offense and defense on primary issues.

  • Leverages our grassroots network of River Stewards, members, supporters or conservation coalition members.

Win a Bob Clay Spey Rod for Only $100 and Support the Revival of Wild, Native Fish! Bamboo Spey Rod Raffle is on NOW! *Only 250 tickets will be sold | Tickets are $100 each | Drawing held on October 31st, 2024 at 3pm.*