Learn more about the opportunity to join our 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team!


2023 NFS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team Invitation 

Native Fish Society is dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all wild fish advocates. As part of this mission, we have created a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team to lead the organization's efforts in inclusivity.  

In 2023, we're hoping to expand our DEI Team and you're invited to join! Learn more about our DEI team and initiatives below:

Why: Native Fish Society is dedicated to cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) groundswell of public support for reviving abundant wild fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving communities. We believe this is the best way to develop and advance durable solutions to the root causes of native fish declines. The DEI team exists to provide leadership in these efforts over the course of a year. 

What: The DEI Team defines, advances, and reviews DEI goals for the year based on the NFS Organizational Equity Strategy. This group also provides a regular meeting space to coordinate with one another, troubleshoot, celebrate progress, and provide a space for members of the organization to discuss this work. The DEI Team also administers the annual Wild Fish for All scholarship and helps secure funding for DEI training for the organization. 

Where: DEI Team meetings occur via Zoom or a phone call. Specific meeting dates and times will be determined based on participant availability.   

When: Typically, the DEI Team meets for one hour each month. The 2023 team will determine the regular meeting day/time/duration/frequency. Generally, members of the DEI team will rotate the responsibility of hosting the meeting, which includes putting together and circulating the agenda. 

Who: The DEI team seeks to create alignment across the organization on the implementation of the Equity Strategy. Therefore, we seek to include folks on the team from across the organization, including at a minimum: 1 River Steward, 1 Native Fish Fellow and/or Volunteer, 1 Board Member, 1 Staff member, and the Executive Director. Anyone from across the organization is welcome to join a DEI Team meeting - however, Team members are committed to regular attendance and participation. 

Time commitment: 20-25 hours per person per year. 

Info session and Q&A: Tuesday, January 31st 6:00PM PST via Zoom

If you are interested in attending our DEI Team info session and Q&A, or would just like to learn more about our DEI team and initiatives, please fill out the interest form below:

We hope you'll join us in advancing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all wild fish advocates!