Say No To Atlantic Salmon Farming in Puget Sound


Facts are still forthcoming on Monday's accidental release of up to 305,000 farmed Atlantic salmon from a net pen into Puget Sound near Cypress Island, WA. Nevertheless, the threat from these floating feedlot operations have been known for decades: fecal waste, vectors for disease, escapees competing with native fish -- farming Atlantic salmon is not worth the risk to Washington's already imperiled wild salmon and steelhead populations.

The good news is that there's already a community of businesses and organizations, including the Native Fish Society, working under the banner of the Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign to 1) stop the expansion of Atlantic salmon farming in Puget Sound 2) tighten regulations around the industry's operations and 3) ultimately outlaw Atlantic salmon net pens in Washington state (it's already illegal in Oregon, California and Alaska).

If you want to help Puget Sound's wild, native fish please join the Native Fish Society and the Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign and do the following:

  1. Sign an action alert message to Washington Governor Jay Inslee.
  2. Grab your kayaks and canoes and join us on September 16th for the Our Sound, Our Salmon Flotilla protest at Rich Passage, WA
  3. Contact Our Sound, Our Salmon and sign up your business or organization as a campaign partner.
  4. Donate to the Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign!

Join Us for a Guaranteed Good Time for a Great Cause! We are excited to welcome you on Saturday, April 12th, 2024 for THE BIGGEST PARTY FOR WILD FISH IN THE UNIVERSE! When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025 | 5pm - 9pm | Where: The Loft at 8th Avenue - Portland, OR | What: A banquet and auction supporting the revival of wild, native fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving local communities.