The Native Fish Society Attracts National Attention!


Native Fish Society Attracts National Attention!

The Native Fish Society is one of the two organizations selected to be recipients of 100% of all proceeds from a landmark book and its related merchandise: the 656-page America’s Favorite Flies. The book’s 245 contributors span North America and include Riverkeeper founder Robert Boyle, Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, environmental activist Ted Williams, 1% for the Planet co-founder Craig Mathews, and many others, all of whom provided their writings and materials for the book pro bono to help strengthen the health of our waters and fisheries through the important work of the Native Fish Society and the Virginia-based James River Association.

“Several great nonprofit organizations were considered,” say the project’s coordinators Rob Carter and John Bryan. “The Native Fish Society rose to the top for many reasons including its River Stewards Program and grassroots, science-based approach to conservation. It became apparent that watersheds everywhere can benefit from supporting the pioneering conservation work of the Native Fish Society.”

“We are pleased that the book’s 245 contributors are so proud that their contributions are helping the Native Fish Society,” say Carter and Bryan. “It’s an extremely diverse group and includes political luminaries such as President Jimmy Carter and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, fly fishing icons such as Joan Wulff and Lefty Kreh, musicians such as rock and roller Huey Lewis and GWAR lead singer Michael Bishop, artists such as Eldridge Hardie and James Prosek, and writers such as Tom McGuane and John N. Maclean (son of A River Runs through It author Norman Maclean to whom the book is dedicated).”

The book’s coordinators and participants are all providing their time and materials and intellectual property without any payment so that 100% of the profits can go to the Native Fish Society and the James River Association. This project is a testament to the significance of the Native Fish Society both locally and globally.

Order the book and see how many of the 245 persons you recognize at:

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