Restoring Wild Abundance - Flyfishers' Club of Oregon


Flyfishers' Club of Oregon Auction and Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise supports NFS's work on the North Umpqua River

Mark your calendars now for the Flyfishers' Club of Oregon's annual auction! Native Fish Society’s grant application was chosen as the winner, for work to be done on the North Umpqua, at Rock Creek, where the Archie Creek Fire did so much devastation. Funds raised durning the Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise will be contributed to this project in southern Oregon.

The Native Fish Society, with key conservation organization partners, has joined together to form the North Umpqua Coalition to invest in a coordinated effort to improve the presence of wild fish populations in the North Umpqua. The coalition partners include Native Fish Society, Trout Unlimited, Umpqua Watersheds, The North Umpqua Foundation, The Conservation Angler and The Steamboaters.

Today, we have the opportunity to write the next chapter in the North Umpqua’s story. It’s an opportunity to strike a new course that manages the North Umpqua River with a wild fish focus. Oregon and the North Umpqua can embark on a new trajectory that envisions managing fisheries on the river with a focus on fostering abundant wild fish populations that support recreational fisheries, healthy ecosystems, and increased natural resilience to our changing climate.

Please consider joining the Fly Fishing Club of Oregon's online auction to help benefit the Native Fish Society's work and the work of the North Umpqua Coalition to restore abundant wild fish in the North Umpqua River.



Join Us for a Guaranteed Good Time for a Great Cause! We are excited to welcome you on Saturday, April 12th, 2024 for THE BIGGEST PARTY FOR WILD FISH IN THE UNIVERSE! When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025 | 5pm - 9pm | Where: The Loft at 8th Avenue - Portland, OR | What: A banquet and auction supporting the revival of wild, native fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving local communities.