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Native Fish
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Native Fish Rivers
Learn about the watersheds we support through our grass roots efforts.
Equity Practice
How we focus on diversity, equity & inclusion
Learn about native fish and why they're so vital to the ecosystem.
Wild Fish For All Scholarship
Academic Scholarship for BIPOC in Fisheries Conservation
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River Steward Program
Our flagship grassroots program
Happy World Fish Migration Day!
As we celebrate World Fish Migration Day on May 25th, 2024, Native Fish Society is proud to highlight our ongoing efforts to revive wild native fish populations, free-flowing rivers, and thriving...
McKenzie Chapter Update: ODFW Presentation in April & Future Meetings
On April 26, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) researcher Kara Anlauf-Dunn presented an excellent summary of her work studying temperature on native fish to the McKenzie Chapter at...
Dr. Liz Perkin
Wild Abundance vs Hatchery Drain Pt 2: Return to Wild
Two of the most common questions we receive at Native Fish Society are “how exactly do hatchery fish harm wild fish?” and “are there any examples of wild fish doing well after a hatchery program...
Wild Abundance vs Hatchery Drain Pt 1: Hatchery Effects
Restoring Wild Abundance - Flyfishers' Club of Oregon
Flyfishers' Club of Oregon Auction and Keith Hansen Memorial Paddle Raise supports NFS's work on the North Umpqua RiverMark your calendars now for the Flyfishers' Club of...
Mark Sherwood
Shasta Rivers Wild Abundance
Andy Marx, a wild fish advocate, and I spoke for months about the Shasta River, its importance as a wild Klamath fish stronghold and its water quantity and quality challenges. Andy has cared for...
Abundant wild fall Chinook salmon in the Rogue show us what’s possible
There is much to celebrate about this year’s forecast for close to a half million wild fall Chinook salmon returning to the Rogue River in Southern Oregon. At a time when we hear more about the...